Sugar Production Process in Iran

  1. Receiving and Preparing Raw Material
    • Sugar Beet:
      Beets are transported from the fields to the factory.
      Initial cleaning involves separating dirt, stones, and impurities through washing and screening.
    • Sugarcane:
      Sugarcane stalks are transported to the factory after harvesting.
      Leaves and impurities are removed from the stalks.
  2. Extraction of Raw Juice
    • Sugar Beet:
      Beets are sliced into thin sheets.
      They enter a diffusion machine where hot water extracts the sugary juice.
    • Sugarcane:
      The sugarcane stalks are crushed and then milled.
      The raw juice (sugarcane juice) is extracted under pressure from the stalks.
  3. Refining of Raw Juice
    • Adding Chemicals:
      Lime is added to the juice to separate impurities.
    • Heating the Juice:
      The juice is heated, and impurities settle as sediments.
    • Settling and Filtering:
      The juice is clarified.
  4. Concentration of Juice (Evaporation)
    • The sugary juice enters evaporators.
    • Under heat and vacuum conditions, the water evaporates, and a thick syrup is obtained.
  5. Crystallization (Sugar Crystallization)
    • The concentrated syrup is transferred to crystallizers.
    • Sugar crystals form as the syrup cools gradually.
  6. Centrifugation (Separation of Crystals)
    • The mixture of sugar crystals and molasses enters a centrifuge.
    • The centrifuge separates the molasses through rapid spinning, leaving behind white sugar.
  7. Drying the Sugar
    • The wet sugar enters dryers.
    • Warm air is used to remove moisture from the sugar.
  8. Packaging the Sugar

    • The dried sugar is packaged in bags or smaller containers for domestic or industrial use.

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